
Denise Tervo, Ph.D

Licensed Psychologist


Private practice in Pittsburgh, PA and Wilmington, NC

Denise A. Tervo, PhD is a licensed psychologist, consultant and trainer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Wilmington, North Carolina.

She has provided counseling to adults, adolescents, and children for over thirty years. She has worked in various settings including mental health, residential and outpatient programs, Children’s Hospital, therapeutic preschool, as a Head Start consultant, and in a state agency working with adults and family traumas and abuse.

She has conducted various workshops and trainings related to women’s awareness, midlife transition groups, and personal growth and development in both Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

She has taught at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Seaside Gestalt Institute in Wilmington, North Carolina. She is on the faculty at the Gestalt Institute of Pittsburgh and the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland. She has taught in the Gestalt Training Program, working with Physical Process Third Year Advanced Track, and the Child and Adolescent Program. Denise has taught in the United States and abroad, including Esalen Institute in California, as well as in Israel and Malta.

Denise Tervo Phd,

Licensed Psychologist - Gestalt Therapy / Body process awareness to facilitate change

Work with individuals

412 661 5015 24 hr answering service

[email protected]

Publications include:

Physical Process with Children and Adolescents. In M. McConville, PhD and G. Wheeler PhD (Eds), 2002. The Heart of Development, (Vol. 1), pages 113-146. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Gestalt Press.

Zig,Zag, Flop and Roll: Creating an embodied field for healing and awareness when working with children. In Robert G. Lee, PhD and Neil Harris, PhD (Eds), 2011. Relational Child, Relational Brain, Development and Therapy in Childhood and Adolescence, pages 199-226. New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group/Gestalt Press.


In her educational consultations, clinical groups and Gestalt practice, Dense integrates physical process awareness and energy work. Denise believes we carry our history with us on a cellular, tissue level. Integration of mind, body, and spirit is important for overall growth and development. Her clinical work emphasizes growth, health, flexibility and personal empowerment.

Nuin Center

Areas focused on include:

Individual or Family Psychotherapy

  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Self Esteem
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families
  • Trauma/Abuse
  • Women’s Issues
  • Consultations/Child Management
  • Divorce/Death/Loss/ Socialization
  • Life Changes/Transitions
  • Gestalt Therapist/Body Oriented Energy Work

Denise integrates body process and energy awareness in her clinical practice. Her work emphasizes growth, health, flexibility and personal empowerment.


  • Highmark BlueCross/Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • Sliding Scale

Licensed Psychologist: 

  • Adults and Adolescents
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Integration of Energy and Physical Process
  • Educational Consultation Groups, workshops, and retreats


Nuin Center

5655 Bryant Street
Pittsbutgh, PA 15206

The Open Space

411 Chestnut Street
Wilmington, NC 28401

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